In 2002, HSN created a thirteen-minute video that provides an overview of the San Francisco Human Services Network, reflecting the wide-ranging services offered by San Francisco nonprofits and the sector's importance in serving the needs of vulnerable San Franciscans. It underscores the importance of the nonprofit sector in San Francisco, and shows how we can work more effectively as a network to achieve our common goals.

- The first part of the video depicts the range of voices and faces our agencies serve.
- The video then shows our network in action, and highlights some of the primary findings of HSN's comprehensive profile of San Francisco nonprofit agencies.
- Through interviews with foundations, Supervisor Sophie Maxwell, and network members, the video describes HSN's common vision, goals, benefits and objectives.
- The video concludes with some guiding questions that shape our efforts together as a network.
This video is an expanded update of the video first presented at HSN's October 2001 New Realities conference. HSN thanks Jim Bracken and Rene Perez of Nonprofit Communications , Julie Nestingen Photography, and HSN member agencies that provided archival video footage.
The HSN video is available at no charge to nonprofits that would like to use it to explain our work to your board of directors, staff, volunteers, and other potential partners. To obtain a copy, contact HSN at (415) 668-0444 or